Father’s Day Marketing Ideas Worth Trying

In case you haven’t noticed, Father’s Day is right around the corner. This coming weekend, families across the country will gather to celebrate the special men in their lives who have filled the role of father. Of course, as a small business owner, marketer or professional, this is an ideal opportunity to connect with your […]
7 Sales Suggestions for Small Businesses

In the world of small business, sales are critical. After all, all of the advertisements, marketing efforts and customer support in the world can’t make a difference unless you know how to close the deal with a customer. When it comes down to the bottom line, sales matter. However, discovering how to make the perfect […]
How to Find the Right Candidate for a Job

Steve Jobs once said, “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” Whether you’re a business owner, professional or even a low-level employee, chances are you might be asked to sit in on a job interview […]
How to Prepare for Summer Marketing

When it comes to marketing for a small business, you’re constantly looking ahead to what’s just around the corner. You’re a season ahead of everybody else, ready for the next big thing in marketing to come around so you can take advantage of it. And with spring coming to an end and summer quickly approaching, […]
The Power of the Business Card

In the technological world of social media, smartphones and internet marketing, there are those who believe the old ways of physical networking are long gone. Gone are the days of personal meetings, door-to-door sales and even chance encounters. Hello to the days of quick messages, email signatures and, of course, the “like” button. But despite […]
Once upon a Time: Storytelling for Marketing

Once upon a time there was a wonderful small business that provided valuable services and innovative products to meet their clients’ needs. But, it had to learn all about the scary new world of marketing in order to truly understand how to grow even bigger and stronger, so it could continue to help others. Storytelling […]
May Marketing Tips & Tricks

It’s nearly May! May 1st, or May Day, is a celebration commemorating the start of springtime and soon-to-be summer. May is a beautiful month full of fresh flowers, cool, sunny weather and fun events. For small businesses and marketers, May is chock full of opportunities to share products and services with clients and encourage new […]
Spring Cleaning your Small Business

Spring is officially here, and it brings with it budding flowers, singing birds and, of course, the annual spring cleaning. It’s the time of year for us to shake off the dust of winter and embrace the upcoming warmth of summer. But spring cleaning doesn’t just apply to your house—it can also apply to companies. […]
How to Embrace Earth Day in Your Marketing

As a marketing expert, you’re always looking for the next best angle to present your business or organization with. Whether it’s an event, season or holiday, there’s always a way to connect with your audience on common ground and share your product or service with them. For example, one week from today, we will celebrate […]
How to Perfect Your Email Signature

Email signatures. You’ve seen them around. But have you ever actually thought about what they involve? What’s the point? Turns out, email signatures can be very beneficial for both individuals and businesses. An email signature gives a glimpse into who you are and markets yourself to anyone interested in building a relationship. Just like there […]