Celebrating International Fun at Work Day

Wow, work is so boring and terrible. Today is the worst day ever… April Fools! Not only does the first day of April mark the hilarious pranking holiday, but it’s also home to International Fun at Work Day. Unfortunately, too many people across the world do not enjoy their jobs. This should be the complete […]
Top Pointers for Effective Email Marketing

We’ve all received an email before that we immediately ignored, marked as spam or deleted entirely. If you’re a business owner, professional or marketer, you might be worried that this exact situation is happening to your emails. If that’s the case, then that probably means your emails aren’t getting the job done. Something has to […]
How Exciting Marketing Can Sell a “Boring” Product

Let’s be honest: some products are easier to sell than others.Flashy products go directly into the hands of consumers, and while they do require marketing and advertising, oftentimes they speak for themselves. Somebody has to make the pieces for the “boring” products; someone has to sell the insurance; somebody has to sell the plastic moldings, […]
5 Lucky St. Patrick’s Day Marketing Ideas

St. Patrick’s Day is this weekend, which means businesses and storefronts everywhere will be decked out in green decorations, shamrocks and pots of gold. Of course, the holiday does provide a significant opportunity for marketing and advertising. How can your small business get in on the action of marketing during St. Patrick’s Day? Here are […]
Class Is Out: Marketing to College Students on Spring Break

Ah, the elusive college student—every marketer’s dream. Difficult to engage with, even more difficult to identify with, but once you find an entry into the college student’s world, you’re practically guaranteed consistent business from an unwavering source. In just a few short weeks, every college student will be enjoying spring break, a week of relaxation, […]
Creating a Compelling Email Subject Line

According to statistics, the average employee receives approximately 121 emails per day. Broken down over an eight-hour work day, that’s an email almost every four minutes. For companies, small businesses and individuals utilizing email marketing, these kinds of statistics can be daunting. With consumers being bombarded by so many emails, how can your email marketing […]
5 Super Springtime Marketing Ideas

The sun peeps out from just behind the clouds, while the last few layers of snow slowly begin to melt away. Springtime is just around the corner, soon to be followed by the warm embrace of summer at its heels. For business owners and professionals, this means it’s out with the old season of marketing […]
Big Benefits of Launching a Business Podcast

If you’re in the business world, you know how quickly technology influences marketing trends. What used to be strange, unknown or even nonexistent is now the bold new frontier in marketing. And when it comes to staying ahead of the trends, marketers and business professionals have to be willing to take the leap. For example, […]
Show Marketing Love This Valentine’s Day

Can you feel the love? Valentine’s Day is (almost) here! The holiday will soon be upon us, and for marketers, this is big news. Valentine’s Day presents a perfect opportunity to take advantage of and utilize in your marketing efforts. Like many holidays, Valentine’s Day gives you the chance to play off of popular topics […]
Why Blogging Is Big for Business

We get it. You’re busy, your company is busy, everybody is busy. Whether you’re the owner, the entrepreneur or the employee, there are probably a billion things you could be doing at any given moment. But one thing in marketing that has grown enormously in recent years: blogging. Blogging can seem like a daunting task. […]